“Gate (Blue”
“Gate (Blue)” is an installation meditating on image-making and transmission in an era that demands everything delivered quickly and at once. This installation is in conjunction with the RISD 2024 Master of Fine Art in Sculpture thesis “Touching the Untouchable: Time as Material in the Maximodern Era”.

“...The image and the idea of the self, observing the self from some kind of Godlike birds-eye view, appears often in my work (and the work I find interesting) as a metaphor for dissociation in this uncertain age. One is encouraged to go back through their own archives and attempt to reconstruct experience from tangible references and symbols. Within the references, the images, the sounds and the stories, characters, and symbols became mixed up in their relationships to themselves. The elements that brought the videos into the realm of installation also gave them meaning as things that were most legible in relationship to the temporal moment of the space. “

“My understanding of the importance of time and image as a form of material emerges as part of my interest in history and time and in understanding personal histories and those experiences of time as it passes. The loop in a work of video is an attempt to deny death by creating a moment that lasts “forever.” The consideration of space is well-tread in art; however, time and its representation have historically been less considered when figuring a piece of work. Time is an individual thing, and the experience of it, is something that no longer seems to be reflected in the media unless that media is very specifically attempting to recreate the past. There is an obsession within art, maybe, or maybe just within me when it comes time for art to be made: to make something new and different. As we get closer and closer to visual perfection on a presentational level, we lose time. The images in my work, now, even attempting to recall a different sort of image, cannot be taken separately from the time period in which they were made. Anything made using ever-evolving technology, must be open to being judged as a product of its times.”
- Touching the Untouchable: Time as Material in the Maximodern Era“
- Touching the Untouchable: Time as Material in the Maximodern Era“